Friday, November 04, 2005

Crop for a Miracle

Well plans are underway and sponsors have been contacted. We will have a "Crop for a Miracle" in Huntsville AL in January. So far I have a few manufacturer sponsors and hopefully there will be more. I am looking into LSS sponsors and home-based sponsors also. So if you have a home-based business and would like to take part in this all day event - please email me.

I'm suprised at the number of companies that won't donate because I'm not a wholesale customer. I mean...if I was a store I'd already have their product on hand and could use it as a tax write off anyway... it just doesn't make any sense to me. But there are companies that if you don't already have buying power with them they have no use for you...oh wait ... other than collect your money when you buy their product at a store that has a wholesale license with them. I guess that I have always thought that charity was charity and you give it freely...but that I am quickly learning is only for the nieve to believe.

There have been a couple manufacturers that have requested that I pay for shipping...totally agreeable to that...I mean it's the least I can do for their generosity.

okay I just re-read what I wrote above and it does sound a little bitchy. But I can tell you this...I am offering sponsors to have full access to all advertising that we produce (paper and television), names prominently displayed on literature given out the day of the event, and a sponsor list printed on the front of the goodie bags. There will be plenty of exposure for the companies that participate. And for them to use the excuse that they can't donate becuase I don't have a wholesale account with them just sounds really lame to me. They would probably get more exposure than they get sitting in the back corner on a shelf at my LSS with their name not displayed anywhere. Rant over.


Karen (Cupcake) Carter said...

Don't sweat those comapnies. What goes around comes around. Good luck with the crop. I hope it is a HUGE success and that some great sponsors pop up for you.

Dianne K. Nelson said...

If I can help you get stuff, let me know. I'll be out of town until Monday.

Take Care,

Cami said...

What a wonderful thing you are doing Shell! I'm sure things will go great as you seem like a good organizer & you really care. Best wishes

Unknown said...

I hope the charity crop is a huge sucess! Good luck Shell.

Kip said...

I agree with you..some companies are so lame. It sounds like the event is going to be wonderful though. I have a good friend from Huntsville who now lives down here and teaches with me.
