Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Alabama is harmful to your children's health

That is the only logical explanation that I can reasonably come up with at this time. There really can't be any other is just not healthy for children to live here...

I found out today that ANOTHER family that we are friends with has a son with a possible brain tumor.

ANOTHER brain tumor.

ANOTHER drain was put in a little boy's skull.

ANOTHER MRI will be done to determine what is going on.

ANOTHER family that is on my prayer list.

I want to destroy the word ANOTHER. It shouldn't exist anymore. It is such an unfair word. ANOTHER and TUMOR should both be bottled and blown up and never used in the same sentence again - EVER.

Christopher is only 15. He is older than JJ...but still a child. A child that will probably never again fly a plane (he was getting a pilot's license)...a child who will probably never drive a car..a child who will probably never go to college or even graduate high school..still a child....

I was talking with one of my best friends today about this. We both wondered when the doctors will draw the line and refer us for counseling after we request a bunch of tests for our kids to be sure they are healthy. When exactly do they start thinking that you have Munchausen By Proxy? I want my kids scanned, tested, x-rayed, and evaluated. Not to prove that they DO have something wrong with them...but to be sure that they DON' T have anything wrong with them.

We joked about going "granola" and giving up tap water. How far can you really go to protect your children?

I laugh at the commercial that shows the mom wrapping her child in bubble wrap before sending them off to school...

but does it make me a bad mom to WANT to do that?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not a bad mom at all - a good mom. I wish I could send my kids off for one of those full-body scans on a monthly or weekly basis. Sorry to hear your sad news.