It's Just one of those days....
Where ya don't wanna wake up
Everything is fucked, everybody sucks.
You don't really know why
But you wanna justify rippin' someone's head off
anyone else like Limp Bizkit?? I know ... old school .... bad language .... but as long as my kids aren't listening to it (and repeating it as they of course would at the most inopertune moment) ... it's not that bad.
But back to the topic...
Ever have one of those days?? I seem to be having them more and more often. No rhyme or reason, I just want to be able to tell everyone to go to hell. I end up acting like a complete bitch and piss off everyone around me.
My day will only get better when that happens, right?
Yeah, right...........
Maybe tomorrow will be a better day....
Hope things brighten up for you soon, Shell!
Geez for a minute there I thought you were talking about me!! I've been having a week like this! Here's to better days ahead for both of us! Cheers!
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