Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Snakes on a plane?? WTF??

Okay I admit...I am a bad movie junkie...I still love Grease and Grese 2 for pete's sake..and I bet that I am one of the few people to have ever seen the mastery of Tom Hanks in "Mazes and Monsters" ... but this preview had even me scratching my head.

The whole premise of the movie (based on the commercial alone) seems to be getting on a plane filled with snakes. Wow. There's a chart topper there.

I can just hear the conversation when Samuel L. Jackson met to discuss the movie....

"So the plane will have snakes on it...and you're calling it Snakes On A Plane?... Pure genius!!"

I think this may be one bad movie that even I can't do...kinda like Clerks...WTF???


Jen said...

I'm with you...I wish I had been in the pitch meeting for this movie just so I could say WTF, people! But I have to say...I love me the Clerks. Kevin Smith totally rules my world!

Anonymous said...

OK here is the scenario. Just imagine.

Director : Mr jackson we would ilke to pitch to you this movie about a plane.

Jackson : Go On.

Director : There are snakes on it.

Jackson : OK. Are any of them
Purple, I like purple. I made spielburg give me a purple lightsaber because I like it so much.

Director : Purple snake... We'll see what we can do but back on topic. These snakes get loose and you must contain them.

Jackson : Can I use my Jedi Powers

Director : NO. but you do get to jump around and kill them.

Jackson : Are there any Guns , or "Lasers"

Director : No, you are on a plane, but we can make you a Federal agent.

Jackson : How long is this movie.

Director : about 90 minutes.

Jackson : OK so you want me to run around an kill snakes for 90 minutes, with no guns or sabers.

Director : Yes

Director : By the way, we will pay you 20 million dollars

Jackson : Snakes on a plane, and you will pay me 20 mill. Snakes on a F----NG Plane is for me. Now lets get a royal with chese.

Love BD

Omaloriann said...

Poor Shell - no respect, no respect atall! Poor gal! How funny!
Think I will pass on this snake movie - would give me nightmares......ugh.

Anonymous said... way, now hoe...nope lol

Unknown said...

I believe the reaction I had to this commercial was WTF... we so think alike.. lol