Thursday, October 19, 2006

What do you get?





Today I went to lunch with two of my friends. We sat down to eat...and I watched my best friend commit assault on a french fry. She took the fry and put it in the ketchup...then dragged that poor unsuspecting fry right through her frosty!! I cringed in horror. That is not fair towards the chocolate at all!! Now I tried passing it off as her pregnancy giving her odd cravings....but she assured me that she has been eating them like that for years!! It's just not natural...she insisted that the salty and the sweet and the tangy all taste great together...I will have to take her word for it.

Next time Tanya and I will pick the restaurant.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know people who leave the ketchup off altogether, and just dip the fries in the frosty. Still not appetizing to me!