Friday, September 23, 2005

What the hell was I thinking???

I have been on a local city board for 3 years now. I am not only a committee member, but also an officer on this board. We are a volunteer board and we coordinate and produce a city festival each year the first Saturday in October. It's a great festival and it's a great time planning it...until this year.

We elect new officers each year. Last year the president was going through a busy time at work and stated that he would like to step down as president. We elected another person whom we thought would be great since she was so detailed and efficient.

First stupid move.

This person's husband has been on the board as her "assistant" for many years but holds no office or works in any official capacity. Since his wife became president it seems that he thinks he is Hilary Clinton. The man doesn't understand that he holds no power on this board. He attempts to make motions to pass things that he has no right to do. This year our parade chairperson moved and we needed a replacement - yep the power monger took it.

Second stupid move.

At last night's meeting I wanted to tell power monger that if he cut me off one more time while I was speaking I was going to run him over in the parking lot with my car.

I have learned that though people with a little power who think it is a lot are a bit is much more dangerous to have someone with NO power who thinks they have it all.

The festival is next weekend...then we elect new officers...I think I'll nominate the current president for secretary...and her husband for parking attendant...not currently a position that we have...but he'll be easier to aim for with the red monkey vest on when I see him out on the lot..................


Unknown said...

if you need bail money.. you know who to call.. lol.. seriously I can see your frustration with Mr. Hilary.. maybe someone can take them aside and talk him down off his perch. Good luck!

Jen said...

Shell, have I told you how much I love you? If you care to drive your car out to Montana, I have a monkey you can run over...he doens't wear a red vest, but he's the one that looks like the love child of Hitler & Mussolini. Can't miss him! Good luck for your festival!

Dawn said...

Oh my! You had me cracking up. Good luck with the Hilary character...and the festival. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Shell,
Just letting you know I read your blog!!!!
Happy Scrappy Days Ü

Anonymous said...

i find people like that a little scary - hopefully with the election of new officers the ego and the reach of the power monger will be squelched!