Friday, September 09, 2005

Self Loathing - Part 1

I have absolutely nothing interesting to post about. When did my life get that boring?

I remember it wasn't too long in the past that I was the person that everyone called before making plans for the weekend. Where ever I was going there was always a large group who wanted to go with me. They told me I was the life of the party..the most fun to be around...I think I actually went for about a 3 year period of going out every weekend and never having to pay cause someone else would pick up the tab just so I'd go.

What the hell happened?

My life is now consumed with whether or not my 3 year old can pee by himself and did my 1 year old drink enough milk today. Trips to the grocery and make sure the dogs get fed. Conversations with my friends occur during naptimes so that we can actually talk rather than referee while on the phone. We do playgroups and pre-school parades.

We were the cheerleaders...the homecoming court....the prom queens....the hot chicks...the ones who never went without a date...or two..or three to any school function. Now we are hot due to pre-menopause. Laundry and dinner take precidence over...well, everything.

I'd continue my rant...but there's a toddler screaming for mommy

...and I realized that was me....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think we just got older Shell.. I know the feeling and have wondered myself where did the fun go sometimes..but life is not over for us! kids or no kids.. just a bit harder to make it happen is all!