Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Wailing Wall.....

That's what the drop off line looked like this morning at TT1's school. He is an official kindergartener now. He looked so grown up in his school uniform (yes I's a school snob and he is attending private school) and he was excited beyond all get out this morning.

Car line doesn't start until Thursday, so we all had to walk our kids in today. We walked into the classroom and I showed TT1 where to put his lunch bag and his backpack. Then I showed him his desk and tried getting him to sit still long enough to snap a few photos. All the while TT2 is whining that he wants to start school today and wants his picture taken and where's his backpack and why didn't I pack his lunch and and and...just shoot me....

So I look around the room (since TT could care less at this point if I'm even there) and I notice the strangest phenomenon....tears....lots of tears....and not from the kids!! There are adults in every corner of the room bawling like babies. Their children look traumatized by their display of sorrow...but the parent's still cry.

I never understood this....maybe it's the heartless wench in me...but for cripe's sake you'll see them in 5 hours - get a grip people!!! You are not dropping them off at college...or putting them on a plane to some far off place never to be seen again...it's only kindergarten!! TT yelled goodbye as he ran away towards the bookshelf and the fish tank...he told me he'd see me later. See....my kids went to preschool so we've had this dance before....no tears necessary for either of us.

Yes I love him....yes I am proud beyond words of him...yes he is growing up...but my job as a parent is to raise him to be able to handle change and to branch out. I want him to make new friends...and have fun...and not freak out because mommy is having a nervous breakdown over the first day of kindergarten.

Or maybe it really is because I'm a heartless wench.....c'est la vie!!


Ginny said...

Well I totally agree with you. My mom tells me I'm heartless though, so maybe that is why we are like that LOL. Seriously though, I feel the same way, we are raising our kids to function on their own. I sent my youngest to full day kindergarten. I totally loved all the free time & started to dread the 4:20 bus drop {evil laugh} I do think the tears like that in front of the kids is terrible. At least hold yourself together till you get away from the little ones. Like they need the added stress of wondering why mommy is crying worse then the 5 year olds, geesh :)

Anonymous said...
