Monday, March 05, 2007

Too funny not to post it... I've never been one to post things that are too revealing about my boys...but this was too funny to keep to myself....

Picture this...potty training....sitting on side of tub while TT#2 is attempting his business....

"The pee pee comes out of here (poking himself)"

"Yes, that is your penis"

"It's not a peanut, it makes pee pee!"

"No honey, not a peanut, a penis. That is where your pee comes out and the thing you push down so you don't pee on the floor is called a penis"

*laughing at me* "No mommy, I told you it's NOT A PEANUT!!"

"Yep...not a peanut".

I had to leave the room....two year olds are too cute sometimes...

BTW...we did have a successful trip to the potty today....he even did #2 in the potty!!!! WTG buddy!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoohoo! for toddler boy! lol over the peanut word. I have always taught my kids the propr names for body parts at a very early age as well. Good for you Mom! KimK