Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A new year ... a new me?

Probably not. I say every year that this will be the year...the year that it all changes...the year I get the old me back. It never happens. I'm still the same old me...the boring me...the fat me. I get rid of my skinny clothes....and buy more fat clothes. Every year. The fat clothes then become the skinny clothes.....and then I have to buy fatter clothes. It is horrible.

I can't even shop in regular stores anymore unless it's Wally World and even then I usually can't find anything that fits. I hate having to shop in "plus size" stores. They don't carry fashionable clothes...or if they do carry them they expect you to pay twice the amount that they should be priced at just because you relaly have no other choice unless you are going to make your own things. Why they think that it's justified to charge $80 for a shirt I have no idea....and when did denim get so expensive that you have to pay $100 for a pair of plain old jeans? Maybe I'm cheap...who knows.

So maybe this will be the year....the year that I don't make any promises that I know that I'll break....the year that I don't compare myself to all my skinny friends....the year that I don't base my self worth on my dress size.....

maybe this will be the year....


Tanya said...

Best of luck to you, Shell. I truly know how hard it is... I'm right there with you. Let's hope 2007 is "the" year for both of us!

Lisa said...

I feel your pain! I too tend to base my self worth on my size. I am a big girl, and I do try to lose the weight but it all comes back. What is my attachment to it?
One day I will figure it out